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Keyword: John Tuchi

Lake, Finchem want U.S. Supreme Court to look at …

PHOENIX — Kari Lake and Mark Finchem want the U.S. Supreme Court to give them a do-over of their losing claim that machines used to tabulate votes in some Arizona counties are so inherently unreliable that they violate their constitutional rights.

Federal appeals court tosses out Lake, Finchem voting …

PHOENIX — A federal appeals court on Monday tossed out claims by losing 2022 candidates Kari Lake and Mark Finchem that machines used to tabulate votes are so inherently unreliable that they violate their constitutional rights.

Dershowitz responsible to pay share of fines imposed …

PHOENIX — Famed constitutional attorney Alan Dershowitz will have to pay a share of the sanctions imposed on the lawyers who brought what a trial judge called a frivolous lawsuit on behalf of failed candidates Kari Lake and Mark Finchem.

Restriction of videotaping police legislation all but …

PHOENIX — Legislation to restrict the ability of individuals to videotape police is all but officially dead.

Dershowitz pleads with judge to find him not …

PHOENIX — Nationally known constitutional lawyer Alan Dershowitz pleaded with a federal judge in Phoenix on Wednesday not to find him financially liable for sanctions levied against lawyers who filed what the judge ruled was a frivolous lawsuit on behalf of two failed Republican candidates.